Freight Services
Optimize your Supply Chain
Freight Services are additional added benefits from partnering with a Third-Party Logistics provider, such as TLI. However, some shippers may not have a large enough shipping operation to justify some services or may require more. Over the past 30 years, TLI has been partnering with freight shippers and looking how to assist all kinds of shippers. That is why TLI has cultivated three types of freight programs that can help shippers across all industries.
Gold Tier
Perfect for shippers seeking reliable and cost-effective freight management.
Platinum Tier
For shippers that require enhanced visibility and added flexibility to their program.
Diamond Tier
Delivers the highest level of sophistication and customization for the most complex programs.
Program Comparision
Freight Services for any Shipper
Omni-Modal Solutions
ViewPoint TMS
Freight Quote Rating
Document Generation
Document Archive (POD)
Shipment Tracking (Advanced)
Business References (Custom)
Account Manager
Quarterly Business Reviews
Request for Pricing (RFP) Management
Invoice Auditing
Freight Claim Services
NMFC Management
Omni-Modal Solutions
ViewPoint TMS
Freight Quote Rating
Document Generation
Document Archive (POD)
Shipment Tracking (Advanced)
Business References (Custom)
Account Manager
Quarterly Business Reviews
Request for Pricing (RFP) Management
Invoice Auditing
Freight Claim Services
NMFC Management
Vendor Portal
ERP Integration
Rebate Programs
Contract Forecasting
Freight Shipping services

85.7 M
458.7 M
**Denotes 2023 freight routed through TLI annualized**
Three decades of freight shipping experience.
TLI has been routing freight for shippers since 1994. Our dedicated freight services were designed through our experience of working with shippers. From small to large enterprises, TLI has the experience to cover your freight.